Paradigm Shifters — Suzanne Eders with Divine Opening


PARADIGM SHIFTERS presents Suzanne Eders of  Suzanne is a well tuned healing force, coach, lively, expressing evolution in her own work  the Barbara Brennan, Hands of LIght work, and how she amped up through Divine Openings (www.divine   I am excited to be talking to Suzanne about her forays into unlimiting processes.

Paradigm Shiftoers: Change your world by toning with Dielle Ciesc


Paradigm Shifters  is busily sorting through wondeful influences.  And a readily present one is your voice.  Meet Dielle Ciesco calling in from France.  Diells is a master/mistress of magic using the voice to create the authentic you. Diell’s websites draw us all into “transformational breathwork”, “toning for peace”  or “working through your issues”.  Remember that sounding, chnating, toning have been vibrating consciousness for many many centuries.  Lately practitioners like Dielle are more abundant as they share bringing the voice into consciousness. What is the impact on ourselves?  On the collective of our species?

Paradigm Shifters explores sound healing with David Ison


Paradigm Shifters  presents David Ison, of, and, creats music intended to get in step with the laws of the universe, beautiful and magical, which can harmonize and heal our inner beings. David, a musician and purveyor of consciousness, healed his own broken back by studying the intricate connections between nerves, frequencies, muscles, breathing, organs…all connected within each of us!  And from there onward to healing others.  He has a new web site offering healing music to veterans whose PTSD interferes intensely with life.  We talk to David about how it all works and also hear some of his healing music.


Paradigm Shifters presents our favorite Essassani… meet Bashar


Paradigm Shifters  brings up some prophetic information from 2008.  Bashar, channeled by Daryl Anka, is one of Daryls future selves.  Bashar says he is a hybrid grey, an Essassani, a member of a conscious society, that lives off of his home planet to preserve its beauty. He has a lot to say about our world and how a society can transcended its difficulties.  You will find his words inspiring.  Bashar is a loveable enthusiastic character, entrancing in his impatient way of teaching some of our realtiies.    




Paradigm Shifters presents life on fire… meet John Maisal


Paradigm Shifting…through the fire.

If you want to shift your paradigm, deepen your powers of being, walk on fire. So says John Maisal of Eagleheart Training Center in Friendswood Texas. John has inspired FIREWALKING  round the world for many years.  What would it take for you and I to walk on fire and the benefits for individuals and for groups.


Paradigm Shifters: Yoga of Parenting… Is Parenting – Brian Leaf


Paradigm Shifters includes all aspects of life.  Brian Leaf, a Yogi, shares the wit and wisdom of mindful parenting, mindful diaper changing, mindful tantrums and his and his wife Gwen’s wisdom in his book  The Misadventure of a Parenting Yogi.  It’s a hilarious, delightful and educational tour through the disheveling devilment of raising children, the labyrinths of reality,  love and committment.


Paradigm Shifters: Judy Carroll – The Zetas and You


Paradigm Shifters presents Judy Carroll with her enticing fictionalize experience of being  Human by Day and Zeta by Night, and her non fiction version, her experiences with the Zeta, being one, working with them, what their purpose is.  Isn’t it interesting how much interaction is going on.  The Pope is excited.  So many others are talking about UFO’s and the possibilities of sharing our reality, consciously dimensional.

What do you think?



Musings on Friendship on the road.  Several friends’ birthdays are lighting up my calendar. Long term friends.  Makes me want to write about friendship.  I love my friends.

I look at my blank paper.  What shall I say, what is the right thing?  Worries crowd my love but just for a minute.  Aha! The paper speaks.  Friends offer me a blank sheet.  A sharing moment that lets us renew.  A cup of tea or erratic call where feelings can jam and settle.  My friends can intuit my deeper purpose or that I actually have one.  Friends let you toss the nails you bent in your flailing efforts at self reconstruction, off into the recycle bin.  Friends, long term friends especially, have seen us fall and right ourselves, wear egg on our faces, go through the transitory narcissim of deep loss, the crazy search for our true Spirit in the rubbly fibers of the past.  Friends can get frustrated with us as our toe catches in a knot hole, or desires pull us down strange paths.  Or even get mad when we toss wisdom aside in rebellion.

But I have some friends the conversation with a friend is the same always.   In the moment, threads of life refined and refining   Friendship can truly be a transformative womb where we can gestate our true self, loving and supporting as we stretch into becoming.

Thanks to the dear friends in my life.  I treasure a special kind of love for you from the heart.

Change the Energy… Change the Reality


The SHIFT.  It is happening, or so we hear. But what does it mean? I am looking at the egregious authority structures of corporations with all the tax and compassion evasion. That expanding stretch between the haves and the have nots and I wonder.  But I know from so many on the path that The SHIFT is happening within… within a huge number of beings in the rising frequencies of these times that sparkling through all life.

It was like that in the great Epic poem The Bhagavad Gita, when Arjuna the great warrior lead his troops against a relative who had taken power and along with it had taken lands and possessions. The story deepens us all into Arjuna’s inner battle, balanced by his wise avatar companion Krishna. As he readied for battle, Arjuna ached, “I love these people. I don’t want to kill them. How do I do what is right?”

Krishna reminds us all that the battle is inside of each of us.  A battle to revere and respect ourselves and others, to live into our dharma (our purpose for being). Which in Arjuna’s case was to be a mighty warrior on both the inside and out, and to set the country right for the greater number. Finally after wrangling within himself and with Krishna about justice, debating the real powers of truth and love Arjuna leads the battle and wins the land and possessions for his people. The country can live in joy, peace and most of all love again. Ultimately The Bhagavad Gita tells us that the true value of our lives is to experience love no matter what the external experience.

I am on a plane en route home after a tour of Costa Rica. I stayed in Ama Tierra Retreat and Wellness Center where Jill and Bob Ruttenberg are winning the battle for truth, peace, and health through nutrition and herbs, and sharing and healing. I loved the changes I felt inside and out almost immediately, as the consumer/competitive stress slid off my body/mind. Music surrounds you there, a kind of ambiance of peace. Jill plays piano and guitar. The staff keeps the casitas fresh and soothing, and the meals great. Guests enjoy trips, healing time on the biomat, daily Yoga and of course, while I was there energy readings by me!

The National constitution includes peace and you can feel it in so many environments, Even crowded ones. The frequencies flew as did my days. People smiled warmly and I noticed that many didn’t feel as frustrated as we do here in the lands of have.

My first session was a Spanish speaking young woman, the first of a number, who spoke of her dreams for peace on the planet. Being a ‘60’s activist, one of the many who stepped back after some of the iconoclastic happenings, to inner search. Who am I?  Who am I? In the mantra rhythms of Ramana Maharshi. So many of us emerged with a deepening drive for personal consciousness a la the Bhagavad Gita.

These are young ones who carry the banners of the conscious heart to studies in conflict and strategies for creating peaceful solutions. I met other students through Tara Ruttenberg, PhD student at The University of Peace in Costa Rica. At the university of Peace, a college with a mandate from the UN to promote world peace and styled or techniques to smooth troubled waters, and encourage a greater view of one world for all of us. Tara, who is the Ruttenbergs’ daughter is a staunch contributor to world peace.

I had the opportunity to speak there. A gathering of 30 or so students circled the room and we explored conflict. Basically it starts deep within. We all want to be secure. The group was vital to me with students of  many ages talking about their angst in various situations and how to resolve it, by discovering our own inner angst then working for the greater. Hard to do if we don’t balance our own.

Some of the University of Peace students are dedicated to systems outside of the global monetary controls, wanting full break down of the system that is top heavy and costing so many. More like Arjuna and his battle against dominance.

Others were working to infiltrate systems. One woman who inspired me deeply was involved in the LA banking world, banks or credit unions run by women who are helping many unravel the choking mysteries of compounding debt and school loans. She explained that these are able to wash debts and still have the banks make money. The goal is obviously and simplistically to empower people to generate life in this time of growing scarcity. And to promote loving, healing, generating existences for the greater number.

Costa Rica has no army. It does have a peace commitment, no guns or few guns and the feelings among people as we explore the possibility that a commitment to peace permeates commerce, schools, homes and more. High into the forests with the streams and rushing rivers, or along the coasts that edge this tiny country, a couple of times larger than tiny Belgium. I loved my time in tiny Costa Rica. and the greatest gift for me besides the wonderful work we did, was that there are many sensitive and beautiful people from all over the world contributing evolution into the world… I basked in the pools of many languages in unity. I sat there entranced at times.

And I add my favorite making a difference line…

Change the Energy…  Change the Reality

Consciousness or bust!


Consciousness or bust! Meet Linda Schurman, astrologer, political analyst and futurist. Her books are What Next and now Fast Forward: Surviving the Race to the Future. Holy Moly! With its great bibliography, her accuracy of predictions in What Next or and in her newsletter Soothesayer, fuels hair curling dangers butting up against time. As a species we aren’t fooling around… maybe fooling ourselves. Whether it is global warming, GMOs, dictatorship of the Pharma empires & drug addiction… hey they are depressing us! Interesting! Or oil, fracking, “tinder-izing” our landscapes, and the trance of the billionaire covens… we have a short time to get it together and stop the raping of the species and our mother, Earth.

Linda presents options that start with you and I as individuals, and from there, our community.

Linda’s message reminds me of Lynn McTaggart’s The Bond in which she outlines group activities to help us step out of our own individualistic trances to empower ourselves.

Makes me think of how isolated I can be, deepening within, helping people through the sessions I truly love, but avoiding the consciousness slamming  by marketed thought in the media. It’s all about waking up and shaking ourselves off. You can’t isolate. The problem touches us all, our seniors and our children, our animals and vegetation. We can all participate turning our homes and neighborhoods into supportive communities. Growing foods. Objecting to the poisoning of our life supports like water, soil, meat, seeds, and atmosphere.

Frankly, I am a disastrous gardener. My neighbor Marilyn is amazing. Thank Heaven for people who lovingly nurture plants that in turn nurture us. So we choose the subjects we are best at. I’ll work with people. With dharma. With healing. Putting the healing back in our hands at least to a degree. Learning and sharing more about options for empowerment by universal nontoxic energy, supplements, herbs… and more. Support, support and more support of one another to grow and learn. Have you checked out the Kahn Academy recently? What a great example. Education for the masses that inspires and yet it is not too expensive to bring to our kids.  And it attracts them. Or the TED talks by Jane McGonigal and eg. of how video games can be created to improve our  brain and health potential.

On it goes. The wonders of what is available for all of us. And as Linda talks about the planets jiggling this and that in the fields, I am pleased at the references to Uranus which is a planet of instant explosive change, sometimes influencing dynamic creative bursts… let’s count on it.

And let’s love each other. Love is such a powerful healing energy and stunning tool for transformation.

Love to you all