Paradigm Shifters Presents Duane Elgin



Paradigm Shifting takes a hearty look inside of each of us.  Are we getting there?  Are we going to be able to re-establish life on this planet as a pulsing, living, creating ocean of possibility?

Duane Elgin, author of “The Living Universe  Who Are We & Where are we Going?”, has been researching and speaking, writing books and more, all about what is going on on our planet. The interplay amongst the alienating forces of our systems and their demands. His books take us through some of the possibilities of re establishing a supportive, nurturing culture that can create a win win for all.  including our mother planet.

Seeing the movie “Interstellar” might inspire a knowing that Duane Elgins information, from several years ago, is so richly appropriate to the films dramatization of the challenges of sustaining life on the planet, and of accessing the different dimensions consciously.  Fantastic heart openers. 

PARADIGM SHIFTERS presents our Soothesayer, LInda Schurmann


Paradigm Shifting with Astrology and Linda Schurmann and her books What’s Next and Fast Forward   that launch huge waves of change in your world and mine.

Let’s talk about what is happening on the planet and in our world’s economic and political controls.  What are the waves of change that are rising and falling?

Can China still challenge the US dominance?  Where is the middle class going?  It seems to be whittling away.  And the SHIFT?  What happened to the SHIFT?   And can you see election results for 2016?   The rising of the feminine in the world… what about free energy?  and more.    Linda can keep you alert to what your world will bring up.

Paradigm Shifter Dianne Collins asks… Do You Quantum Think?


Paradigm Shifting is a moving treat thanks to the changes in universal realms.  How can we use that information?

Meet Dianne Collins DO YOU QUANTUM THINK?   Dianne talks to us about planetary energy and tuning into so many of the energy realms we have access to. Like the “thoughtosphere” It’s happening!.. the realms are restructuring our potential.  Dianne has devised 21 points that are a ladder to Quantum Thinnking which is truly thinking that instead of being linear, it bursts in all directions. You and I can make huge leaps, huge intentional leaps into the world of your choice.  A world in response to your intentions.  It is muti energetic, subtle, left overs, intentional, a pot pourri of radiant possiblities.

How can it work?

Paradigm Shifters presents Charles Eisenstein on Sacred Economics


True Paradigm Shifting shifts each of us, expanding us out of limiting concepts into a vaster possibilities. What an honour it is to present to you, Charles Eisenstein, much sought after speaker, whose goals include a radical, sacred overhaul of our monetary system.  And we’ll talk with him about “Gifting Economies” .

Here are a few quotes from his articles:

  • That markets have never been “free” but were created by governments to facilitate their acquisition of various goods (especially for their armies). They have been intertwined ever since.
  • That all major world religions grew in response to money…..
  • That the origin of capitalism as we know it today is “the story of how an economy of credit was converted into an economy of interest.” Debt, he says, is the primary instrument of colonization whether internal or abroad � keeping in mind that behind the man with the ledger is a man with a gun. Moreover, the enforcement of debts is key to maintaining the political power relationships that prevail today.

Charles’ Books “Sacred Economics”  and “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible” can inspire us with perspective and antidotes for  anxiety and stress from our isolating social structures, and our alienation from the wisdom of nature and more.

Paradigm Shifter George Capanella Does Not Go Quietly


Paradigm Shifters presents aging  Meet George Capanella  with Do Not Go Quietly into your senior years.  What does that mean? George and his wife Sedena honour the wisdom years..  Half our country is going to be over 50 soon.  Half!  Hmmm.  Now that half can be a fount of wisdom and self actualization, improving conditions, popping the idols of enslaverement and building consciousness into the future.  How? 

George and Sedena of delineate  options to “become older or to become elders”.  Elders, a revered group in other cultures, can help steer the ship through the waters of a society redeveloping as our structures break under pressure.

Paradigm Shifting Awakenings with Aliyah Marr


PARADIGM SHIFTERS Aliyah Marr ( is a transcendent being who all her life has “known things”.  You might feel that way as well.  In her case it has led to stunning art, books that draw your attention to the shifting awakenings in humanity, a degree from the Ecole de Beax Arts in Paris, her entrance to a lifetime of exploring shamanism..  What does Aliyah say about our future? That there is abundant awakening on our planet that is activating a collective of beings with the use of choice to consciously create  reality from the inside out.  Aliyah’s books,, Unplugging the, divination cards are portals to activations through art, lines, multi dimensional symbols and so much more.  Shake us up Aliyah so we can all transform!


Paradigm Shifters presents a Tribute to Rowena Kryder


PARADIGM SHIFTERS honours Rowena Kryder of Rowena is an amazing ground breaking visionary, a conduit from higher realms to humanity, a purveyor of beauty through universal symbols, sacred geometrics, the rebuilding of homes, or developing communities… add her books, divination cards, and workshops that link sound, light, shape, colour and took so many of us into the cellular knowing of universes.

She was a delightful interviewee, sharing and inspiring us.  I know you will experience her wit and wisdom as her light flared through her work in the world. What a pioneer.  Look at her website for more of her gifts to our planet.

Blessings Rowena Kryder.  May your soul love the beauty of all that is.

Paradigm Shifter Baptist de Pape Guides Us On Our Journies From The Heart


PARADIGM SHIFTers presents Baptist de Pape and The Power of the Heart   (   Coming from the heart isn’t automatic.  We have to choose that daily, so he says after interviewing illuminaries round the world, interweaving researchers from Heart Math.  His collaborations with Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Eckardt Tolle develop and deepen our understanding of the wisdom of our heart.  You will FEEL his heart’s presence as we speak to him about his awakenings, the research that led into this wonderful book, and its movie The Power of the Heart.  Look it up to find if he is screening the movie in your area.

Paradigm Shifters presents Donna Wetterstrand with Divine Openings to your Infinite Potential


PARADIGM SHIFTING is fun with Divine Openings .  Devised by Lola Jones  her book “Things are Going well in my Absence”  as you read it, has a subtle way of disengaging us from limiting beliefs.  Donna Wetterstrand Divine Openings Guide, is also talented in the many schools of evolution we seekers tour, explains how Divine Openings works.  How manifesting, and the arts of creating by Divine Intelligence works faster for the whole you.  How many of us can stabilize our radiances in order to create the world(s) we believe in?

“Heaven on earth” is so very  possible.  So many of us, perhaps a little fatigued,  have been working toward it.  Donna Wetterstrand explains that  it is more possible through Divine Openings.

ParadigmShifters: Ashalyn Brings Us Thoth And The Emerald Tablets


PARADIGM SHIFTERS presents Ashalyn of Shasta Vortex Adventures (   And through Ashalyn, meet Thoth as she channels The Emerald Tablets retold for “the present time truth seekers” in her book “The Emerald Tablets”  As an Intuitive and Spiritual Hypnotherapist Ashalyn’s adventures include Physical Spiritual Places in Mount Shasta, realms in the universes, and depths within you and I!  

She brings wonderful insights you can actually feel in the wisdom in realms beyond 3D.