Paradigm Shifters Presents Dr Cass Ingram and Natures Powerful Remidies


Paradigm Shifters is all about teaching us how when we change our thinking, oh wow! We can change the possibilities of our lives.

This week listen to Dr Cass INgram, author of The Cure is in the Cupboard and books on Oil of Organo, The Miracles of Hemp Oil, and now writing about the amazing qualities of Turmeric. Well known for his discoveries of Oil of Oregano in the Middle East and finding his way out of the terrifying loops of HIV.

Through the years he has been adding so many supplements. But he is also frighteningly aware of the distortions to our perspective of supplements, including oil of oregano and other herbs, that current marketing allows.

SO… meet Dr. Ingram as we discuss the basic supports for your health and healing. From mental problems to addictions to pharmaceuticals and other potent forces in our times. There are several potent herbs that can keep your health, your purification, your mind, your rejuvenation of cells and help keep body systems going.

Paradigm Shifters brings in the New Year with Galexis


Paradigm Shifters can be you and I. Galexis, a consortium of loving consciousness, channeled by Ginger Metraux, talks about the election and the waves of change we are living and witnessing on our planet at this time in history. Galexis challenges us enthusiastically:

“Live your life from the POV of your greater self. Be the light of love that you are. That way, you can step into the New World and lead others there. You came to do this anyway. Now’s the time! January 2017 is bright and sparkly. Good things are ahead!”

Let’s find out what exactly that means and how to traverse some tricky territories en route

Paradigm Shifters presents Rennie Davis – a true revolutionary


Paradigm Shifting was dramatic during the 60’s. The art of awakening to the fact that people, citizens could affect a huge war, a power paradigm. Rennie Davis was active then, more than active! He was a member of the Group of Eight most famous for disrupting the 1968 Democratic Convention. Listen as Rennie talks about where he, and others were so heart filled with making the change. HIs journey is fantastic and empowering. He is emerging now with his beloved Kirsten Leigmann, our last interviewee, into the world of Consciousness and Business. This is an exciting interview as Rennie, like Bernie, spans decades with his evolution.

Paradigm Shifters presents Kirsten Liegmann and Consciousness in Business


Paradigm Shifters presents evolutionary business steps. Meet Kirsten Liegmann, inspiring so many to bring consciousness into the business world. Kirsten is a transformative coach with years of experience.

What does it mean to run conscious businesses? And is it possible to affect business globally? Kirsten talks about a ladder ~ 13 points to imbue your business with consciousness.

Paradigm Shifters presents Aaravindah and his Insight


Paradigm Shifters presents Aaravindah:

Aaravindah, whose intuitive sight sees the source and intention of any aspects of people and history behind social actions. He discusses some of the deep self realizing points of the human process…. a delightful wizard of consciousness, a delightful contributor to human consciousness.

Paradigm Shifters presents Steve Bhaerman and Swami Beyondananda


Paradigm Shifters presents: A replay of an earlier and enlightening Steve Bhaerman and Swami Beyondananda show…. it is good to laugh as the Swami talks about the deconstruction and reconstruction of our reality. Look at what it takes to work together as a community, as a unified community, as a caterpillar transforming with the grace of a butterfly. Steve and Swami assure us that there is evolution going on…. and for many, conscious evolution! We enter the election results amongst tatters and shreds of our respect for one another and life on this planet. When we see that, we can center and recreate a loving foundation!

Paradigm Shifters and Paradigm Presents Penney Peirce


Paradigm Shifters presents: Penney Peirce whose world renowned wit and wisdom inspires as she tracks Frequencies.

Her latest book Leap of Perception takes us into our future worlds – right now! – as frequencies pick up speed throughout our entire reality. You have probably felt them impacting our abilities f rom deep within and beyond through our consciousness, healing abilities, and journey to Oneness.

Paradigm Shifters Brings You Rico Racosky and 2 Choices


Paradigm Shifters presents an interesting approach to life. How about seeing every moment as a moment of choice. It really makes you think. Rico Racosky’s book Just 2 Choices is actually a workbook that helps you and I choose differently in each moment. Take your mood. It can change in the flick of the mental wrist. And that can lighten your life, and help you manifest more winning outcomes.

Rico Racosky carries this message even to the young ones at grade school… teaching young and old that it can ripple shifts throughout our communities.

Paradigm Shifters Brings You Linda Schurmann and Some Political Clarity


Paradigm Shifters presents: Paradigm Shifting isn’t always easy! Linda Schurmann ( is a popular guest who brings a deep political awareness that meets the stars. Linda can steer us through the murky mires of spin marketing to “see” more clearly what on earth is going on. Will Drumpf succeed as the disrupter for voters in spite of his crass lies and defamation of people. Some voters want to exchange unknown deception for the known! Hilary’s game is familiar as a long term politico. I am excited to bring Linda on the show as her clarity on the progress, both heaven and earth, of our civilization, is often heartening.

Paradigm Shifters brings you Brain Balancing with Lee Gerdes

Paradigm Shifters presents: REBALANCE YOUR BRAIN & REBALANCE YOUR LIFE!   Lee Gerdes shares successes with his brain rebalancing technology.  And now he has created a do it yourself headset

The reflections of imbalances can show up in our worlds as ADD, myriad Dis-eases, tensions that make life unmanageable and more. What happens when our brains are rebalanced?

Meet Lee.  A Techie wizard, theologian, counselor, inventor and who knows what else? He worked out his own brain trauma from a surprise attack by thugs wielding baseball bats. His journey is a gripping tale to healing and inventing. These products are inspiring.