Paradigm Shifters presents: Steve Bhaerman

What’s going on “out there” in this obvious political take over time? Well steve Bhaerman, ( a wise and conscious Political Science being with his own radio show!  joins me on Paradigm Shifters. We are asking for the REBIRTH in this season. Steve tells us how it is working. How can we birth ourselves amid a system that is wringing people out for all their pocket change. A relentless and blind sociopathy that is suddenly, thank you Mr. Trump, is being illuminated for more and more people! Steve and Veronica speak of a system that flows along “follow the money” contracts, with the illusions of democracy.
I love talking with Steve. What a refreshingly supportive approach to human evolution in the confinement of today’s society.

Paradigm Shifters presents Steve Bhaerman

Paradigm Shifters is very happy to present Steve Bhaerman, political wizard, beloved comedian and altar ego of Swami Beyondananda. I love to ask him about political events, trends, and of course, what on earth is happening here and now in America? Hear some smart answers to the question of what really is going on in Washington and the country.

Paradigm Shifters presents Steve Bhaerman and Swami Beyondanda helping you to Wake Up Laughing


Paradigm Shifters presents Steve Bhaerman and his “alt self” Swami Beyondanda ( with political analysis of the earth plane and Swami’s dimensional purview. I ask what is fake news? Is it simply coercion and deceptions to sell ideas? I wanted their perceptions about the deep controls under the more obvious political crud & news for sale. I mean really, everyone, where do we draw the line on what is fake and what is marketing and what is truth? The future of this country is being steered by some odd powers. What do they think of it all?

Meet some powerful comic and political wizards with me!

Paradigm Shifters presents Steve Bhaerman and Swami Beyondananda


Paradigm Shifters presents: A replay of an earlier and enlightening Steve Bhaerman and Swami Beyondananda show…. it is good to laugh as the Swami talks about the deconstruction and reconstruction of our reality. Look at what it takes to work together as a community, as a unified community, as a caterpillar transforming with the grace of a butterfly. Steve and Swami assure us that there is evolution going on…. and for many, conscious evolution! We enter the election results amongst tatters and shreds of our respect for one another and life on this planet. When we see that, we can center and recreate a loving foundation!