Paradigm Shifting Bernie Siegel Brings us Animals as our Healers and Guides


Paradigm Shifting is ongoing. Insightful, heart based beings like Bernie Siegel of Love Medicine and Miracles book fame, moved us through so many entries to our self understanding, and now shares the heart of life with animals. He always loved his pets, but having a houseful of kids with their housefulls of pets taught hem and others about our rapport with animals. Now he shares stories of healings by animals in his latest book, Love, Animals and Miracles.

Paradigm Shifting Bernie Siegel Brings us Animals as our Healers and Guides

Paradigm Shifters: Bernie Siegel 12/10/13


PARADIGM SHIFTER Dr. Bernie Seigel challenged his profession as a surgeon by pioneering the consciousness of healing. His latest book, The Art of Healing, takes you through so many of the phases that help people reverse dire illness, or release the stuck places in life. Love Medicine and Miracles was his breakthrough book and his evolution just continues.

Paradigm Shifters: Bernie Siegel 12/10/13

Paradigm Shifters: Bernie Siegel 11/05/13


PARADIGM SHIFTER Dr. Bernie Seigel challenged his profession as a surgeon by pioneering the consciousness of healing. His latest book, The Art of Healing, takes you through so many of the phases  that help people reverse dire illness, or release the stuck places in life. Love Medicine and Miracles was his breakthrough book and his evolution just continues.

Paradigm Shifters: Bernie Siegel 11/05/13