Paradigm Shifters: Emmanual Illuminadari 07/02/13


Now this is an interesting paradigm shifter, Emmanual Illuminadari. Ever since he was a small boy, Emmanual (Mannny for short) has been awaken to the self-deceptions and suppressions that have destroyed the health of clients. As an adult he uses sound – pure real vibrational sounds – to release these suppressions.  Manny has had a fascinating journey on this plane… others have too I am sure.

Join us as we charge ourselves up for healiing!

Paradigm Shifters: Emmanual Illuminadari 07/02/13

Paradigm Shifters: Randy Masters 06/04/13

Our Paradigm Shifter this week is the well loved Randy Masters and he will tune you up. He is an expert in sound, geometrics, and vibrational healing. He talks with us about the tour he is leading to Egypt in November and why. What can we learn about ourselves, our healing, and our evolution by actually being in the resonances of ancient Egypt? Those pyramids are carefully placed on our planet to vibrate the light and streams of wisdom from our roots in other Galactic centers.

Paradigm Shifters: Randy Masters 06/04/13