Paradigm Shiftiers brings you life from both sides now with Mas Sajady


Paradigm Shifters presents quite the wizard this week.  Mas Sajady, a technologial engineer had two near death experiences.  After the dark night of the soul, while apparently the inner self recalibrates, he is able to work outside of his body, into the universal realms, to realize how you fit into life – your life and the whole scene.  His work is mesmerizing. Let’s talk to him about our “distortions”, the reactions we have developed through the tours of our existance, perhaps from family lineage, or world influences, your soul’s experiences gathering more and more infomration, but always, under it all is your true nature.

Let’s talk to Mas about that and how we can claim our selves.  It’s called healing and it has so many dimensions. His work is a true gift!.

Paradigm Shiftiers brings you life from both sides now with Mas Sajady