Paradigm Shifters: Rachel Van Dessel Discusses Tibetan Consciousness

paradigm shifters rachel van dessen

Featured on the show again is the ever insightful Rachel Van Dessel. We talk about dying and Tibetan Consciousness. Rachel will enlighten you on dancing, Tibetan Psychology, Dietys, and about preparing for our passing whilst releasing attachments and karma.

Paradigm Shifters: Rachel Van Dessel Discusses Tibetan Consciousness

Paradigm Shifters: Stephen Pollitt 12/17/13


Paradigm Shifters welcomes evolutionary news from Stephen Pollitt. Stephen’s research on energy remedies, and calibrating and raising the frequencies inside of people is stunning. Humanity vibrates at a low level frequency with energy fields constantly radiating resistance and reactions. We all have slower resonances from our subconscious. Maybe from karma, or life experience, or lineage.. and beliefs — is the great catch all. Yet Stephen’s work bridges that gap between your ideal frequencies and the subconscious resonances.

Paradigm Shifters: Stephen Pollitt 12/17/13