Paradigm Shifter Marc Allen Brings the Tantric Out of Everyone


Paradigm Shifting again with the publisher of New World LibraryMarc Allen now takes us into Tantra for the West.

Tibetan Tantra is all about…not only physical intimacy….but how you interact with every aspect of your life, you could say making love to it.  This book chapter by chapter, richly braids transformative philosophy with your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. The goal being bliss or conscious rapport with your deepening quest for self, no self, and relationships of every kind, from love to politics.  Marc has had a long tantric rapport with meditation, he has worked within for many many years and this book offers loving details to help you come into your own on all levels.

Marc is a loving soul and you will feel it in this interview.

Paradigm Shifter Marc Allen Brings the Tantric Out of Everyone