Paradigm Shifters: Dee Wallace 01/28/14


Dee Wallace, our Paradigm Shifter this week, inspires us all with her percolating soul. Dee started out sure of her spark and light. Her many life challenges and fame (she played the mother on E.T.) refined her skills, and her life is a journey of putting spiritual principles to use, creating the reality she wants en route to her own enlightenment. She is involved with so many thing such as teaching, healing, performing, online radio and more!  It’s a different kind of pithiness but a bit like Shirley MacLean! Dee is Dee-lightful. Tune in.

Paradigm Shifters: Dee Wallace 01/28/14

Paradigm Shifters: Ruth Miller 01/14/14


Paradigm Shifting in part is the art of employing our mind to change our reality. Some of the forefathers, and indeed foremothers of consciousness have taught us the fine art of affirmations.

My guest this week is Dr. Ruth Miller, a Unity Minister who is editing the great thought masters of the 19th and 20th centuries. Her new book is “The New Game of Life  and How to Play It” and it is a delightful evocative presentation of Florence Scovel Shinn’s 1925 offerings. I love how she presents the backbone of Law of Attraction, and The Secret collected in her “Library of Hidden Knowledge”,such greats at Thoreau, James Allen and so many more.

Paradigm Shifters: Ruth Miller 01/07/14

Paradigm Shifters: Judith Kravitz 07/30/13


Paradigm Shifting is an art! One of its greatest tools is the conscious use of our breath. My guest Judith Kravitz used the power of her own breath to heal her own throat cancer. She has also helped thousands of others to release body, mind, and spirit from limitations enabling them to embrace the power of their true nature.

Paradigm Shifters: Judith Kravitz 07/30/13